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Brad Pitt’s Reaction to Angelina Jolie’s New Adoption Rumors is Unimaginable!

Written by Muneel Ali Published On : August 06, 2018 2449
Brad Pitt’s Reaction to Angelina Jolie’s New Adoption Rumors is Unimaginable!

If Angelina Jolie adopts another child alone, would Brad Pitt accept it? His very recent reaction to this rumor in unimaginable!

Rumors are spreading about the seventh adoption of the child by Angelina Jolie but Brad Pitt, on the opposite, has no interest to vast his clan. He has already a big family. “Brad has no desire to adopt any more children at this point in his life,” a source revealed. “He loves everyone of his children and does not feel the need to grow his family any bigger. He has enough kids to worry about.”

When he came to know that Angelina might love to adopt again, he expressed no sign; neither shocked nor he even cared. “Angie always talked with Brad about expanding their family even more so Brad would not be surprised or upset if Angelina continued to adopt children. But Brad has no interest in competing with his ex in an adoption war or trying to keep up with her in that weird way,” the source continued.

He is now paying more attention towards his own kids and only cares for them. He has no intention of adopting another one. “Brad only wants what is best for his kids and he wants to give the kids he does have as much attention as possible,” the source went on reporting. “He doesn’t need anymore.” Rumors began that Jolie was looking to adopt after a source told OK! magazine, “[Angelina’s] planning to adopt another child once she’s done filming and promoting Maleficent 2,” The source thinks that the adoption may be the result of “Empty nest syndrome,” because may be Angelina thinks now she can have another adopted child because “the kids are growing up and don’t need her as much.”

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