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Is Rio Theatre Demolished? Scroll Down to Find Out!

Written by Muneel Ali Published On : August 02, 2018 2213
Is Rio Theatre Demolished? Scroll Down to Find Out!

After the announcement made for a $375,000 grant from the city of Vancouver, the Rio Theatre came under the threat. But now, this East Vancouver Entertainment venue is out of the trouble. *Yayy*

“We can officially say the future of the Rio is no longer uncertain,” said the theatre’s operator Corinne Lea in a Facebook post. “Thanks to the City of Vancouver and Mayor Gregor Robertson for approving a grant for $375K to The Vancouver Art House Society and thanks to the Vancity for approving an increased mortgage to help us reach our final goal.”

Vancouver is “home to a thriving arts and culture scene, and the Rio Theatre is an important cultural venue for showcasing local artists and events,” said Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson. “It’s inspiring to see so much community support come forward to raise money to save the Rio.”

Robertson added that he was “thrilled that Council approved a $375,000 grant to help save the Rio and keep the doors of this cultural landmark open for future generations to enjoy.”

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